Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Logical Induction

Yes. I'm doing it. I swore I'd NEVER be induced unless it was a medical emergency. Well...

I gained 4 pounds in 3 days. No, not because of the hearty holiday weekend food. Just swollen feet. And legs. And now even my hands. Literally, I can barely put on shoes anymore.

The past two nights, I've woken up at least 6-7 times with terrible back pain.

My doctor is on call this weekend. All weekend. And he goes on vacation on the 21st.

I'm already starting to dilate.

To me, this all sounds like the perfect recipe for an induction. And so I will be there on Saturday.

I am, however, cautious knowing that my children have a tendency to do things without my permission. And so I believe that she could be here any minute just to ruin my "plans" and show me that she, like the other 2, is in control here.

Changing the subject...
Kennedy starts kindergarten next week. Yep. New Baby + Kindergartener = Emotional Mess of a Mother. Actually, I'm excited to see Kennedy start school. She loves learning and being responsible. I feel blessed to have the child that teachers say is "teacher's dream."

On the other hand...
Max got his first "report card" at the end of the swimming lesson session today. It said, "Max really needs to work on following directions. Other than that, he is very brave and will try anything." Wait a minute. Doesn't that really mean "Your kid doesn't listen very well. Instead he kinda does his own thing despite what I ask him to do. I'm glad you're not signing up for more lessons. Good luck with your little HellRaiser." Okay. He's 3! And we will work on follow directions. However, I am proud that I have a son who takes the road less traveled. And for the record, that less traveled road has already been well worn by Max's father :)

Happy Tuesday.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Are you here yet?

Max waiting for Daddy to do more fireworks!
Kennedy with her "snappers" on the 4th

Happy Belated 4th of July!

So I'm officially 38 weeks pregnant. EVERYONE (with sweet intentions) keeps asking me when little Newman is going to make her arrival. I wish I knew! For now, I'm just enjoying those last few days of my family of four. You know, we went to Steak and Shake the other day and my first thought was, "Oh...we'll never be able to fit in a booth like this again."

Some women are afraid to admit it but there is a fear of having subsequent children. You see, that first born is the love of your life. You begin to wonder how in the world you could ever love another child the way you love the one you already have in your life. Well, the good news is that God has a special way of filling your heart with even more love to give your children. I do look at Kennedy and Max now and wonder if I will miss those days when I had two kids who were just best friends, each walking hand in hand across the Target parking lot with me!

I love my kids. I love my life. I am grateful for every moment. And so...if it takes a few days (weeks? yikes.) for Baby Emersyn Newman to get here, then so be it. Although, I do look forward to introducing her to her beautiful sister and sweet brother. That's the BEST part about more kiddos. With each one, God not only gives you more love for that new baby but always fills your heart with joy and love for the ones you already have.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Adventure 2010

Facebook has become a good friend of mine (can you "friend" facebook?). After giving in and joining this little virtual world, I've really reconnected with many old friends and got to know some new friends as well. As I ventured into this new world, I became more interested in blogging. Honestly, I wondered, "Why would anyone want to blog?". Well, I figured out the answer. In my view, I saw bloggers as these talented, tech-savvy writers who always have something interesting or witty to share for entertainment. So imagine my surprise when a few of my Facebook friends asked me why I didn't blog yet. WHAT? ME? Tech savvy? No. Talented writer? Ha. Interesting? Nope. Witty? Perhaps...when my brain is functioning (which is rare these days).

But then I started to realize that blogging could be whatever I wanted it to be. My goal was to create a blog by the end of this year. It's June 20th and since I'm staring at a pile of dirty dishes, I figured today was a great day to begin. I've thought about my bloggin goals and here's what I'm hoping to achieve here:
1. A digital scrapbook- Scrapbooking is a faux hobby for me. I buy the stuff. I try to get it together. Can't do it. Maybe someday. Until then, this blog could serve as a nice way to remember what the heck I was doing a year ago (or last week).
2. Communicating with family and friends- I'm thinking that I might know a few people who would be interested in seeing what's going on with our family. Distance might make the heart grow fonder but it also seems to make the years fly by too!
3. An outlet for me- I like to talk (surprise!). Currently, I'm surrounded most days by two small children and a GoldenDoodle. Great company but somedays I just need to share a funny story (or two) with someone who might just "get it." Maybe that's you? You see, I think my husband graciously listens to my voice quite enough so I've decided to share my voice with others :) And with these two little Newmans, it's not so easy to pick up the phone (and I do my best work at 1am). If I had to list hobbies, it would honestly be cleaning, cooking, and pretending to have a life. So...it's time for a new hobby! Hello, blogging. My name is Kris. Nice to finally meet you.

Now...if you are reading (how do I share this will people anyway? Crap. I have a LOT to learn), I'd like to make a few disclaimers. If you know me, then I shouldn't really have to say this. I'm an open book, people.
1. I used to teach English. I know how to write, my friends. Excuse the mistakes. And I don't really care if you notice them.
2. I have a lot of opinions, and I might share some of them.
3. Again, this is my blog. I have no idea what I'm doing. I will learn. Sorry if I'm not fancy-schmancy yet.

Okay. So I'm going to try to post this and spend a few days absorbing what the heck I've done. More about my thoughts on this later...